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Hildebrandt publishes on Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space (pre-print publication)

 16 Jan 2023

In this position paper, Mireille Hildebrandt discusses the use of health-related training data for medical research, in light of the European Health Data Space. If such data is deployed as a proxy for ‘the truth on the ground’, we need to address the issue of proxies. Ground truth in machine learning is the pragmatic stand-in or proxy for whatever is considered to be the case or should be the case. Developing a ground truth dataset requires curation, i.e. a number of translations, constructions and cleansing. What if the resulting proxies misrepresent what they stand for and what if the imposed interoperability of health data across the EU affects the quality of the data and/or their relationship to what they stand for? She argues that ground-truthing is an act rather than a given, that this act is key to machine learning and assert that this act can have potentially fatal implications for the reliability of the output. Deciding on the ground truth is what philosophers may call a speech act with performative effects. Emphasising these effects will allow us to better address the constructive nature of the datasets used in medical informatics and should help the EU legislature to take a precautionary approach to medical informatics.

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Gori gives a lecture on AI and Justice in the course “Legal Professionals in the Digital Age” at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (9 Dec 2022)

 9 Dec 2022

Postdoctoral researcher Gianmarco Gori gave a guest lecture in the course “Legal Professionals in the Digital Age” held by Prof. Gianclaudio Malgieri at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Gori has illustrated how the current legal framework constrains the decisional space in which Artificial Intelligence is designed, developed and used.

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Hildebrandt delivers a keynote on the Typology of Legal Tech at IURIX2022 conference (16 Dec 2022)

 8 Dec 2022

Mireille Hildebrandt has been invited to give a keynote at IURIX2022, the annual conference on the intersection of law, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, under the auspices of the JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems. She will focus on the recently published COHUBICOL Typology of Legal Technologies, under the title of ‘A Typology of Legal Techs: A method to map/compare/assess’.

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COHUBICOL team presented the Typology of Legal Technologies at FARI (24 Nov 2022)

 24 Nov 2022

The FARI AI for the Common Good Institute and Easy Brussels organised a series of discussions and talks about Rules as Code and Digital-Ready legislation. Rules as code (RAC) is an approach to create and publish regulations, legislation and policies as machine and human readable. The event gathered experts and public servants from across Europe to discuss and share experiences about the digitisation of rule-making.

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Gori presented on automated administrative decisions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (16 Nov 2022)

 16 Nov 2022

COHUBICOL Postdoctoral Researcher Gianmarco Gori delivered a talk on “Automated administrative decisions: legal protection and argumentation strategies in the European legal framework” in the panel ‘Direito e Tecnologia. Refexoes na Europa e no Brasil sobre as decisoes robos e os algoritmos’ at the Seminario Atuação em Cortes Internacionais: CIDH (Corte lnteramericana de Direitos Humanos) e CEDH (Corte Europeia de Direitos Humanos) in Rio de Janeiro.

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