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Duarte spoke on Google and Apple Exposure Notifications System at Kozminski University (24 June 2022)

 28 Jun 2022

In April 2020 Google and Apple announced a joint project under whose constraints countries could develop proximity tracing apps, called Exposure Notifications (EN). By using this framework, proximity tracking apps could notify individuals that they were in close contact with someone who was diagnosed with COVID-19. The system operates through Bluetooth Low Energy technology, using the strength of the Bluetooth signal as a proxy for close contact.

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Hildebrandt presented on ‘The Methodenstreit in Machine Learning’

 28 Jun 2022

Mireille Hildebrandt presented on The New Methodenstreit in Machine Learning at the International Conference on Explaining Machines, at the University of Bielefeld, Germany (the place where famous sociologist Niklas Luhmann worked for most of his professional life). The Conference is part of the TRR 318 Constructing Explainability research project, a collaboration across different regions and disciplines, bringing together computer science, social science and the humanities. The project is led by Elena Esposito and Tobias Matzner. See Elena Esposito’s salient and important article in CRCL, on Transparency versus explanation: The role of ambiguity in legal AI.

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