Gori presented on automated administrative decisions in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (16 Nov 2022)

COHUBICOL Postdoctoral Researcher Gianmarco Gori delivered a talk on “Automated administrative decisions: legal protection and argumentation strategies in the European legal framework” in the panel ‘Direito e Tecnologia. Refexoes na Europa e no Brasil sobre as decisoes robos e os algoritmos’ at the Seminario Atuação em Cortes Internacionais: CIDH (Corte lnteramericana de Direitos Humanos) e CEDH (Corte Europeia de Direitos Humanos) in Rio de Janeiro.

In his talk, Gori has first drawn a comparison between the actual implementation of legal technologies in Europe and Brazil and he has discussed the similarities and differences between the Brazilian and European legal framework. Gori has then focused on the topic of automated administrative decision making. Gori has presented and discussed some argumentative strategies adopted before European national courts to contest and assess the validity of automated administrative decisions. In particular, he has stressed how the general principles that govern the exercise of administrative power constrain the use of AI, thereby providing tools for ensuring legal protection.