Hildebrandt gives lecture on Legal Protection by Design at the Flanders AI Academy (26 Jan 2022)

How to build in legal protection into the development and deployment of AI Systems, constructing them with more than good intentions, yet based on norms agreed by a democratic legislature.

Part of the seminar series Sense & Sensibility of AI at the Flemish AI Academy, Mireille Hildebrandt will give an online lecture on Legal Protection by Design for AI Systems on 26 January 2022.

AI systems in the broad sense of the term increasingly inform everyday life, from smart energy grids to connected cars and from social security fraud detection to search engines, recommender systems and other types of behavioural micro targeting. In this lecture, Hildebrandt will discuss how the legal framework of fundamental rights in the EU combines with data protection law and the upcoming legal framework for AI systems. At their core, these legal architectures require that legal protection is built into the development and deployment of AI systems, requiring acuity and foresight from those who put these systems on the market. She will explain that this is not about good intentions or laudable ethical inclinations, but about developers, providers and deployers operating under the rule of law, following the norms agreed by the democratic legislature. Finally, she will explain why law is not about obstructing innovation, but about enabling innovation that addresses and enhances human agency. We don’t want ‘humans in the loop’, we need humans in charge. 

For more information and registration, click here.